Deep Tissue Massage
My style of massage incorporates techniques from all the trainings I have undertaken over the past 20+ years, including Swedish, Acupressure and Thai Yoga massage. I especially enjoy massaging the back and neck, as these areas harbour many muscular tensions and are where important energy centres are located. I often add relaxation techniques from Systematic Kinesiology to deepen the treatment. Cupping, Aromatherapy oils or Auricular Acupuncture can also be incorporated into a session.

SEATED MASSAGE - I can also offer seated massage for those who prefer to remain clothed.
The treatment pays attention to releasing muscular tensions in the back and neck, areas which are commonly associated with stress (notably in the trapezius, rhomboid and levator scapulae muscles) and includes pressure point work on the face and scalp.

Aromatherapy Massage
Aromatherapy is a very relaxing and calming, light touch treatment, which relies on the absorption of essential oils through the skin via massage. The oils are believed to contain the ‘essence’ of a plant, and are used for their therapeutic benefits. They are extracted from the leaves, flowers and bark of plants, herbs, trees and spices and are not in fact particularly oily. Each oil has characteristic uses: some can be calming (like Lavender, Frankincense, Sandalwood and Chamomile), while others can be uplifting (for example Orange, Ylang Ylang and Bergamot). Many of

the oils contain anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, so are indicated for the immune system and all round health.
Each oil is furthermore believed to have specific functions which may address a range of psycho-emotional and physical health issues.
Aromatherapy massage is a very nurturing style of body work and is especially recommended for people who cannot tolerate deep tissue style bodywork.

According to Chinese Medicine, our feet are a microsystem of our body, providing a complete map of its organs and physical structures. It is therefore believed that imbalances within the body can be treated by applying pressure to specific, related points, which in turn help alleviate physical ailments.

Common complaints that Reflexology may help treat include lowered immunity, stress and anxiety, and aches and pains. It can also be very helpful for promoting general wellbeing and relaxation.